wallspace have a new exhibition that has started this week – epiphany: contemporary iconographers in britain . i will definitely be visiting at some point. this is the blurb…
For Epiphany we have gathered together 15 contemporary,
traditional iconographers who live and work in the UK for what we
believe is the first exhibition of its kind. While there have been
survey exhibitions of icons from other places in the world, there has
never been an opportunity to get the work of the very best
iconographers in Britain together in one place.Not all of these iconographers are UK-born, but they all work here.
And while all the icons shown are contemporary, they are nonetheless
produced in the traditional manner, using authentic ancient designs and
methods. The exhibition is timely, given the current revival of
interest in icons and their increasing appearance in cathedrals and
parish churches across the country.Epiphany includes work by:
Matushka Patricia Fostiropoulos
Aidan Hart.
Dr Guillem Ramos-Poqui
Dr Stéphane RenéThe exhibition is designed to give an overview of current work being
done in this profound tradition. It will also provide an opportunity to
explore the influence of traditional iconography on British churches’
approach to the use of images in private devotion and public liturgy.
And importantly, it opens the debate about the influence of this
age-old tradition on 21st century artists and on current art practice.