anglican cell uk is developing as a site with articles and content being added regularly. making small/cell/mission communities at the heart of church life rather than an add on is a direction i think lots of people are going in. and i think there are lots of people who have left churches who are finding themselves instead meeting with friends occasionally, often over a meal for prayer and friendship to support each other on the journey of faith. i have chatted to two groups in the last week doing just that. one of the conversations was around ideas for what works in terms of prayer and/or reflection or worship in that small group meal setting which is very different to a larger group.
anyway hopefully community chest will gradually build up a reservoir of ideas that people are using that can be shared… if you have particular ideas you have used do share them over there.
Jonny, Having left the Anglican church to meet with friends in the way you suggest exactly describes my situation. Thanks for the resource link. Love your photography!