unravelling – worship trick 13

at greenbelt this year i missed ikon’s god delusion…

so i was pleasantly surprised, following a link from cheryl’s blog, to see so much of the content added to their web space.

i love pretty much anything padraig twomney does and these two poems are absolutely beautiful (and i’m making them worship trick 13, series 3). i don’t actually know if they were sung or spoken…

breaking me and the closing benediction – go in pieces

i also really liked the typically ikonic piece where does your faith lie?

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Richard Pendrill

    Thanks Jonny. Had a good chew on all that this morning. Wish I had been there for it. I haven’t read/experienced anything that so clearly or thoughtfully affirms the place I’m at right now. I read How Not To… last year but in a way I don’t think I was quite ready for it. Time to revisit now I think. Btw, thanks for the tip off about the Burial Mix of Jamie Woon, its fantastic! If you like Burial you will probably enjoy the output of Christine Vaccine. You can find her in my top friends on myspace, proper deep beats…

  2. jonny

    had a listen – yeah sounds really sweet…

  3. Paul

    Thanks Jonny

  4. Peter Rollins

    Hey Jonny. I wish you could have heard Padraig’s ‘Breaking me’ piece being performed. The guy is amazing. He sung this with some people singing ‘alleluia’s’ and Jon hatch hitting out a simple rhythmic beat. The guy’s stuff breaks me up.

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