Hi Jonny, hope the festival is going well. just wanted to say thanks for the proost update, it’s a fantastic resource. looking forward to using some of it soon…
What, did someone thing that things needed to be more confusing in ministry? 🙂
Just checked Group, and I didn’t see it (I could have missed it, I was going fast). One feature that could be helpful is a US version, or links to US suppliers of non-downloadable items.
But still very cool nevertheless.
Jen August 28, 2007
Transforming Prayers is now out of print in the US so won’t be available from Group – sorry.
Carlo August 29, 2007
Nice one. Very cool indeed and hopefully I can use some.
On the issue of resources, I don’t suppose anyone knows anywhere you can get hold of interesting and creative christian posters? (There’s plenty of cheese out there). Thanks a lot
Very cool – but why isn’t “Transforming Prayers” available in the US? Grrr…
Hi Jonny, hope the festival is going well. just wanted to say thanks for the proost update, it’s a fantastic resource. looking forward to using some of it soon…
the US thing is just postage. it is actually a US book. contact Group Publishing as they may still have some stock? http://www.grouppublishing.com
Great redo, Jonny!
What, did someone thing that things needed to be more confusing in ministry? 🙂
Just checked Group, and I didn’t see it (I could have missed it, I was going fast). One feature that could be helpful is a US version, or links to US suppliers of non-downloadable items.
But still very cool nevertheless.
Transforming Prayers is now out of print in the US so won’t be available from Group – sorry.
Nice one. Very cool indeed and hopefully I can use some.
On the issue of resources, I don’t suppose anyone knows anywhere you can get hold of interesting and creative christian posters? (There’s plenty of cheese out there). Thanks a lot
Thanks for your blog, do check out http://www.puresearch.org.uk and add your site 🙂 God Bless