i am running a training session on technology showing how to blog a photo!
[update: sorry if this was confusing – i was leading a session on electronic communication including blogs and all that and demonstrating a few things live such as posting a photo from flickr to a blog. hi to anyone visiting who was at the session…]
I’m interested, Jonny, but just about to go on holiday. When’s this going to be?
sorry – what i was doing was actually running the session there and then so i was demonstarting live!
In other words, if you can read this – you’re too late! 🙂
I know this will almost qualify me as a “photo heretic” in the eyes of the Flickr Fundies, but, I’m going to say it anyway…have you tried Picasa?
The editing features are user friendly, effective and fun. You can create as many albums as you want, put on captions, comments and upload to private or public web albums as well as insert your image directly onto your blog. Not clear if that’s only Blogger or not, but I don’t think so.
Photos are easy to organize, which, for me at least, is not the case with Flickr. Also, I like the way I can keep my photos private until I send an invitation to specific people.
I know you’re a Flickr evangelist, would love to hear your, or other’s, opinion on Picasa.
Mea Culpa and all that… 😉
laura hi – i haven’t tried it. there are lots of tools for most things on the web – blogs, photos, video, etc. the thing is finding a tool that works well for what you want to do…
I was chasing in and out of a lot of things that day as I got ready for a break so I only visited momentarily. I’ll know if there’s a next time.