an interview with me by alan roxburgh

i met alan roxburgh a few weeks back and was interviewed by him. well that interview is now up as a podcast on the roxburgh journal if you have an hour to kill! if you follow my blog you’ll know how important the notion of ethos in developing a community’s life has become to me, very much influenced by alan. it’s shaped the way we have developed grace. in the interview we discuss ethos vs strategy, we get on to talking about the differences in the emerging church in the uk and the usa and somewhat bravely how you might change a denomination to be more mission focused.

you can link to the article and download to listen from here

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Mark Priddy

    Hi Jonny,
    Just wanted to drop a note and say thanks for spending time with Al and doing the interview. It is a great piece. Look forward to sharing stories with you in the near future and meeting you in person.
    Hope all is well
    Grace and peace,
    mark priddy

  2. Mand

    Thanks- will try to open up the link if my zip program will do it!
    I will definitely read around your blog a bit more, as you are described as Emergent, but I thought that was a different thing to Emerging?

  3. jonny

    Emergent is the name of a network in the USA (and there is a uk one too) but emergent is also an adjective to decsribe emergence. i am the second and friends with some people in the first.

  4. Paul Fromont

    Hi Jonny
    Good to hear your voice and the content of your interview as I drove to work this morning. I shall share the podcast with a number of key people in our diocese. Your stories, insights and experiences will continue to fund our imaginations…

  5. Mand

    So would I say I am an emergent or emerging 😉

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