spirited exchanges uk is launched today…
episode one – churchless faith published by alan jamieson names something that loads of people can relate to – lots of people leaving church are still journeying in faith and haven’t given up.
episode two – alan and jenny macintosh start spirited exchanges nz to develop small groups/spaces where people can talk about their journey post church in a safe environment . it seems there are two types of people wanting this – young adults and mid-lifers. the experience of being in a group seems to really help people move on in their journeys and as i am sure is not news there are a lot of church leavers.
episode three – jenny macintosh visits greenbelt in 2005. she is a wonderful woman and inspires some of us to meet and see if we could start something similar in the uk. on reflection it’s a different map/context but a group and vision begins to take shape.
episode four – a small group meets to shape the direction and ethos of SEUK. today the web site goes live. one of the differences between the uk and nz approach is that we want to encourage groups to meet and put people in touch with each other rather than us starting and running groups. so if you are in a group like this or want to join up with a group like this visit the web site. greenbelt has been a key space for sharing thinking and ideas so far and hopefully it can continue to be so. trust greenbelt funded the web site design (thanks).
episode five – starts here…
Jenny was indeed good at GB 05. From all I’ve seen over recent years there is a real need for this simple model. More strength to their bows!