god has come to help his people

red riboonthis is a verse i read this morning – it’s from a story where jesus rasies from the dead a boy being carried in a funeral procession. it’s what the crowd say in response to the miracle. it struck me as a pretty good thought for december 1 as advent begins and we look for the coming of god in the world celebrated at christmas. it’s also pretty poignant for world aids day

maybe in the story i mention people were angry at god at the loss of life of a child but with the encounter with jesus realise that god is a friend and a helper come to help his people rather than a distant god who exists to judge them.

i haven’t had much time to scout around for advent things though no doubt they will emerge over the next few weeks. derek is running an advent calendar that looks fun if you want to follow along. go and say hi. and if you missed my enthusiasm about if before check out doing december differently. one of the features i really like about typepad is categories so if you want to see previous ideas i have blogged about for advent simply click on the advent category on the left hand side…

i am also looking forward to our grace advent service nine which i have added as a worship trick before now. it’s become a tradition for us and one we look forward to. several people who have never taken part are doing some of the pieces this year (which is also part of the tradition). put the date in your diary and come along if you are around…


sat dec 9 at 8pm

nine readings,
nine tunes and
nine reflections/interpretations by
nine volunteers.
originally inspired by the traditional nine lessons and carols but inevitably given a grace twist.
followed by mulled wine and cafe.

in keeping with advent expect the unexpected.

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