little miss sunshine

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on saturday jen and i set to see volver but it was full so we ended up seeing little miss sunshine instead. you simply must see it – laugh out loud. sort of in the same vein as napoleon dynamite – brilliant. the audience burst out in spontaneous applause at the end which i don’t remember happening since i went to see lord of the rings.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. andy goodliff

    jonny, hannah and I saw it a few weeks back and thought exactly the same. We had laughed like that in ages.

  2. Joe Kennedy

    Ditto from New Orleans. Same with the applause. Phenomenal movie.

  3. bob c

    I am hoping heaven is like the family dance at the pagent.

  4. John Cooper

    Tis a smashing film Jonny. I think what makes it brilliant is that it isn’t just a smooze fest where you can predict the ending. also the fact that it is really just exaduration of many family expreiences but all put into one moment. A prize winning film one would hope.
    Warm Regards Ever

  5. Chad Brooks

    the wife and I have been meaning to go see it. We did see the illusionist and besides the crappy accents we were really happy we did.

  6. Paul

    dysfunctionally funny family film – yep it sounds a lot like heaven 🙂

  7. andrew

    loved this film funniest dance scene since palindromes or napoleon dynamite and the pagent was made all the more disturbing as we saw it just after the jonbenet court case.

  8. Jamie

    PLEASE PLEASE do you have any idea where i can find a pic of the outfit that she wears in the final dance scene? I want to dress up in that outift for Halloween, and I need a photo to work from… email me at if you have any ideas!

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