runner up

i was a runner up in a myculturallife photography competition

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Jon

    Wow, congratulations!

  2. cheryl

    well done! great photo

  3. Makeesha

    That’s awesome Jonny! Congrats. I remember seeing that photo a bit back when you posted it. It’s a great one. Photography contests are so subjective though, I think yours was better than the winner.

  4. Pernell

    Congrats, Jonny. Excellent photo.

  5. Existential Punk

    Way to go, mate! Beautiful artistry and would have to concur with Makeesha that yours should’ve been the winner! It was DEFINITELY better! Maybe one day your stuff will be in National Geographic or something of that sort! Pax, Adele

  6. maggi

    excellent photo, Jonny. I like the other winners too – nice collection! Your Greenbelt at night photo has been my desktop background all this month – you have a real eye for a good picture

  7. seb apostol

    Congratulations! bro great work! hopen your well

  8. martin hill

    Good one mate. Agreeing with Maggi you have a good visual take on life. Obviously not agreeing with the addage “there is no second place!” as to take part is the thing in life. Pax man M 🙂

  9. churchpundit

    congratulations. beautiful work. thus spoke churchpundit!

  10. jonny

    thanks everyone… 🙂

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