blah… birmingham launches this month. i have been invited to get the conversation going at the first one on september 14. if you are in or around birmingham do come along.
the details are:
September 14th 6.30pm, 5th Floor, 3 Temple Row West (opposite Birmingham Cathedral), with Jonny Baker speaking on Mission in Post-Modern Times
If you’d like to receive e-mails about blah… Birmingham e-mail richard. It’s also helpful to know numbers in advance so please e-mail if you are planning to attend.
on the subject of blah… the learning day in london on spiritual formation with john drane which was postponed has now been re-arranged for saturday october 14th – details here
Am hoping to be there. Trying to work out with Catherine cover for our prayer hour. Want to support the Birmingham Blah (as well as Ben’s).