
the convent came to a close tonight. obviously i recorded it and watched it after the football 😉

in its own way it has been just as profound as the monastery. when i turned the tv on big brother was on the other side. the contrast couldn’t be greater.

i guess it shouldn’t be surprising but it is amazing – each of the women have been transfromed in different ways by their experience of 40 days sharing in the life of a community of nuns. there is something about the rhythm of prayer and worship and service that creates the space for them to be vulnerable and be themselves and experience god. there is something incredibly powerful about feeling safe. the nuns provide a climate of acceptance and love where the women are safe and can trust and open up. acceptance is such a healing thing…

i admire the women on it for making themselves vulnerable for a public audience. i hope they feel fairly represented by the programmes. and i hope and pray that their lives have been enriched by the experience – it certainly seems that way.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. tim

    yes jonny, there is certianly something about the rhythm of the christian life, i only wish that i could embrace it more in my own walk with God, things seem to crowd in and stop me having that simple time with God.

  2. revjev

    I am currently leading a small seekers group. Last week they asked if they could try the meditation stuff from the convent. Tonight we are giving it a go. I hope and pray that more people than the 4 women invovled are impacted by God through this.

  3. Nadia

    This show sounds really cool, which means that the Fox channel here in the states will see how popular it is there and create it’s own version which will inevitably include skimpy swimming suits and dangerous stunts involving motorcyle jumps, not at all the same thing really.

  4. Jennifer

    Thanks for the update on that – wish we could watch it here in the states.

  5. Paul Morriss

    Nadia and Jennifer, if you click on the link at the start of his article you go to the program page. On that page I get a “watch now” link. You may not get it because the BBC may not show things to a non-UK audience, but it’s worth a try.

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