nine – grace christmas service this saturday

ninenine is something of a tradition at grace. if you’ve never been do come along this saturday at 8pm. nine traditional readings are read and nine people will play a piece of music of their choice related to the reading and do something else (VJ, reflection, ritual, talk about a piece of art etc…). all followed by mulled wine and mince pies. i had a year off last year and made the mulled wine but i am back in action with a genesis reading on the fall…

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. tim

    jonny hope you have a great time, sorry but i’m not around, so wishing you a happy christmas as well.!

  2. jonny

    and you tim – heard a rumour you were off to this week if i’ve got the right tim(?). if so have a fab time and happy christmas

  3. lowell

    Hi Jonny,
    Glad to see that grace is still going. I love the simplicity of nine and trust it goes well. We are still plugging away here in Japan where alternative church is not only an unknown issue but as irrelevant to the mass of people as traditional church is. But quite surprisingly we are seeing deepening relationships within the emerging club and dance scene . . . . .

  4. tim

    yep we are off to cape town tomorrow to work with an aids charity for a month, will miss the english weather and family (well one of those two anyway), see you in 2006.!

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