on earth as in heaven is the work of bruce stanley (embody | rejesus | online labyrinth etc). wonderful idea. packs of cards on spirituality. they only costs 90 pence for a set of 8. bruce kindly gave me a set at greenbelt where they were launched. two packs have been produced so far. i hope they manage to get these into book shops. ideal for spiritual seekers, mind body spirit fairs and so on. and of course it’s worship trick 38.
before anyone complains saying it’s a bit new age looking, that’s the whole point – to connect with spiritual seekers. if you want to read a good article on that the latest bible society magazine had a good one by john drane new spirituality and christian mission .
i think the cards would be better if they were half the size – i.e. playing card size, but they are still excellent…
Technorati Tags: mind body spirit, worship tricks, spirituality
They’d be half the size if you hold them at arms length 😉