glo4life t-shirts

damian who is one half of glo4life left a comment on my howies post from a while back. i thought people might miss the link so am adding it as an entry in its own right. looks cool…

wow – lots of passion…started by an ‘article’ on a clothing company from Wales!
so I guess Howies is doing the job – instigating debate and inspiring change!
they have definitely inspired me – we have followed in their footsteps
and started an eco-urban clothing range (100% organic cotton
T-shirts)(also based in wales)(
basicaly we are 2 designers, disillusioned by the built-in-obsolesence
of most products and the dis-regard for the consequences of how they
were manufactured – and it was these products we were helping to market
through our design! so what could we do?
we started our own company, wanting to change the world in the only way we knew – through creativity and design.
trying to create a legacy of worth for our son!
we’re not up there with Howies in terms of brand awareness, but we are
making ripples in this big pond – we’ve been featured as a ‘brand to
watch’ by a fashion/business magazine (Drapers weekly)…so who knows
where we’ll end up?
but for now, we’re trying to make the right decisions and enjoy the journey!
with regards cost – we also sell at the same price as Howies (we do
currently have a sale on!) – that is mainly because of economies of
scale – we’re a small start-up, can’t afford to order huge amounts of
stocks and therefore are working to the minimums which costs us more!
also there is a premium price paid to the farmers for organic cotton
and to the factory who employ responsible working conditions!
but saying all this, you end up paying the same for non-organic and
sweatshop t-shirts – so we think it’s a good deal and we’re doing the
right thing!?
like to hear your feedback

This Post Has One Comment

  1. gareth

    good link jonny – have blogged about it as well, we should suggest to CMS that we use these guys for our t-shirts 🙂

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