ages back mike rimmer wrote the most amazingly positive article about proost for crossrhythms magazine. he took a lot of time and trouble to tell our story following a long interview. it's embarrassing in that i am sure it way overstates what we have done, credits me with way more talent than i actually have, and as ever gives me credit for the labyrinth when it was a corporate effort with kev and ana draper being the original inspiration for it which was then reworked by a team of us… anyway i had never checked to see if it was online but stumbled across a link to it by accident. i am sure it will cause much merriment and piss taking but if you are interested have a read of alternative worshipper
Technorati Tags: proostalternative worship
Johnny, the gotee looks marvelous!
Just what I would expect from Mike. I used to be in the same church as him years ago. My wife, Lidia, did some of his hospital radio jingles. I remember one week where the preacher asked what was number one in the charts. Only Mike knew out of three hundred people! The rest of us were so immersed in Christian subculture that we had no idea. I remember his frustration that we believed we had something to offer to a world we knew nothing about. It doesn’t surprise me that he gave you a good hearing.