19 things walter brueggemann is thinking about as posted by geoff
1) Everyone lives by a script.
2) We get scripted through normal nurture and socialization.
3) The dominant script of our society is that of technological-therapeutic-mulitarist-consumerism.
4) This script promises safety and happiness.
5) This script has failed.
6) The health of our society depends on moving beyond this script, but doesn’t want to.
7) [The task of Christian] Ministry must de-script this dominant script.
8) This task is accomplished thru alternative scripting, or the funding of a counter imagination.
9) This alternative script is funded by the scripture and tradition of the Church.
10) This alternative script is about the Triune God.
11) This alternative script is not monolithic, total, complete, but it is rather a rag-tag, disjunctive collection hinting at a hidden God.
12) This rag-tag script can’t be smoothed out or domesticated (not even by systematic theologies/ians).
13) This script invites adherent of text to quarrel with each other.
14) The entree into this alternative script is Baptism.
15) The nurture/socialization of this counter script is the work of ministry.
16) Most of us are ambiguous about this alternative script. That is, we really want both scripts and vacillate between them.
17) The space of ambivalence toward scripts is the arena of the Spirit.
18) Ministry is the manager of this ambivalence.
19) The work of ministry is necessary because no one else but the church (and synagogue) is willing/able to enter this open of ambivalence.
Thanks Jonny. A good post. “Script(s)” has been a significant focus of my attention lately. Tis post reinforces that focus. Hope all is well with you and yours.
cheers for flagging this – its a really nice succinct view of Brueggemanns thinking. now here’s an ideas, what about a Brueggemann blah??
This is great! I think I’m a 16. What are you?
I’ll call sometime and catch up,
Interesting overview. The leap from 17 to 18, however, seems to me to point to Brueggemann’s fairly weak theology of the Holy Spirit – I’m not so sure that we are the ones to ‘manage’ the ambivalence. Interested, too, to know how he might relate the ‘alternative script’ to the incarnation – ‘the script made flesh’? But Brueggemann’s writings are always great to have a conversation with…