following my post below on the top 100 spiritual films pete has commented saying why have chocolat, toy story, lion king, brazil, 1984 been left out and miracle maker included? (i’d want to include mulholland drive)
so this is your moment. leave a comment below on either:
films not on the list that should be or
films on the list that shouldn’t be
Chocolat: you cannot be serious! A film whose premise is that sensual gratification is great and abstinence of the devil. What a challenging message for the West today!!!!
I would like to see Amistad in there as it had a profound effect on my spiritual outlook and encouraged me to fight against social injustice.
OK, if we’re looking for films that were “spiritual” (ie pointed towards deeper yearnings and humanity’s hunger for more than the material) how about:
– Paris, Texas
– Manhattan
– Talk to Her
– Three Colours Red
– The Great Escape (that last one was a joke but it’s still a great film!) ?
Hi, I’d like to include:
Les Miserable;
Goodwill Hunting;.
The Bourne Indentity
Between them they include themes about: prejudice and acceptance of new ideas/(self-)discovery; fellowship and development; grace and determination; acceptance and sharing; discovery, good vs evil, etc.
Should be included:
The Cross and the Switchblade – about a baptist minister who went into New York to minister to the gangs. Superb.
Well..controversial this.. but.. what about
the U2 documentary “Rattle and Hum”.
It’s a spiritual experience…
i’d like to have seen……
the big labowski
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
lost in traslation
point break
i love lists…
glad to see ‘the addiction’ was in there. my list would also include spike lee’s ‘mo better blues’ and paul verhoven’s ‘starship troopers’ (i’m serious! – the man is a genius). i think there’s a good case for scorcese’s ‘raging bull’ too – we once did a service based around it.
and ‘smoke’ would definitely be in there. that ending…
..and where is ‘wizard of oz’?
…and ‘apocalypse now’…
and quite possibly ‘moulin rouge’.
quick, somebody shoot me now.
one of the most “religious” movies out there, also incredibly profane, is “the boondock saints”. no list of great b movies is complete without it.
cinema paradiso!
Whale Rider!
Gattaca < i'm surprised thats not on the list
dead poets society (Carpe Diem)and The breakfast Club are certainly missing.
I would also like to push for Breakfast at Tiffany’s with the search for ‘somewhere like Tiffany’s where I feel totally at peace’.
mmm – a bit of a breakfast theme developing there!
The list does seem slightly confused. On the one hand are films like The Truman Show, which speak allegorically and negatively about established religion whilst on the other are films about Christian themes, the Passion of the Christ and Chariots of Fire.
If the list were mine to make I would include the Red Hot Chilis live at Slane Castle, just to remind us what it means to celebrate and have joy. I would have U2 (also from Slane Castle) reminding us about protest.
I’m in agreement with “Whale Rider” and “Gattaca” — both films I have as paper options for my theology students. But the great oversight to my albeit Nick Hornby biased mind, and the film I’m showing in theolgy class next time around, is “About A Boy.” No one who thinks seriously about the incarnation and/or Reformed theology should miss it.
yes to Chocloat!! Whale rider and dead poets!
Also Contact and Jerry Maguire (its about passion!)
and of course ‘The Green Mile’…
i agree with all the above… although, really to suggest that some films are more ‘spiritual’ than others is duallistic garbage… i’m still going to join in though.
the fisher king
ghost in the shell
waking life
the full monty
love actually
a man for all seasons
joan of arc
every film i’ve seen by wim wenders (paris,texas. wings of desire. faraway so close. the end of the world.)
brassed off.
james and the giant peach.
nearly every film by woody allen.
this is crazy, in the end you just end up naming every film you’ve ever watched and liked!
dark city
the thirteenth floor
jurassic park
close encounters of the third kind
four weddings and a funeral
most horror fims!
why on earth isn’t ‘ghandi’ on their list!!!
surely, like it or not, ‘the exorcist’ should be on their list! it scarred a hole generation!
and any other superhero movie!
the crow
the blues brothers
you see… i’m just listing films now (some of them blockbusters!) and there’s spirituality in all of them… their list sucks!
Life is Beautiful!
Le top 100 des films spirituels
Ils sont sur le blog de jonny Baker. Ceux qui n’ont pas été cités ou oubliés sont dans les commentaires.
Great comments — I’m one of the moderators on the site that put the list together. There’s a thread for what should be included in the list next here here <>, and I’ll add the films suggested above for consideration in next year’s deliberations.
Thanks for the great feedback!
cool – thanks alan… you’ve certainly started something cheers
‘One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest’ and ‘Schindler’s List’ have to be in the top 100
Les films dit spirituels..Top 100
Voici le top 100 des films chargés en spiritualité..Les films qui font réfléchir sur Dieu quoi..Plus de films en lisant les commentaires sur le blog de Jonny Baker.. La photo est prise du film Magnolia..Vous ne verrez plus jamais
FYI – the Arts & Faith community updated the list a few months ago. Check it out:
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