how not to get embarrassed at a baptist church

how not to get embarrassed at a baptist church is a hilarious insight into baptist culture (is that an oxymoron?!) from andrew jones – such wisdom as

Be happy when you arrive and somber when you pray. (the opposite applies for emerging church/alt. worship). Not Anglican/Catholic hard-core somber. More like a semi-somber, a soft-somber, with no facial contortion, lest you look too spiritual. So if they ask you to pray, dont go King James or Shakespeare on them (novice giveaway) but stay smart casual (like the clothing). And dont go too far on the other side either . . dont start telling God your latest joke . . and don’t go asking Him for His.
Chances are, if you are a visitor they wont ask you to do anything, most don’t ask you to stand up anymore. but they will mention you all the way through the first half of the service – so go ahead and enjoy all the attention!