christian socialist movement

bibbenprotest.jpgchrissmith.jpgtoday i was leading worship at the annual lecture and get together of the christian socialist movement. i got the impression it was different to what they were used to. i was follwed by chris smith, mp for culture and all that, who delivered the annual tawney lecture. i assume this will go up on their web site (i do have a copy of the text – e-mail me if you can’t wait). in this he outlined a pretty good summary of areas of conecrn/political involvement to engage in social justice. makes a change to be in a context where you feel good about what an mp is saying!

on the way i drove past big ben and saw some greenpeace protestors who had climbed it. you can’t really see on this photo but they had a sign saying the truth. it’s the anniversary of the war in iraq so this was a protest for tony blair to tell the truth about the war and in particular the reasons we went to war in the first place… the picture is a bit rough and ready as i had to lean and take it out of the window as i drove past!!!