whale rider

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i first heard about whale rider via peoples blogs. chris curtis and steve taylor were two i remember.

anyway to cut a long story short it is a fantastic film. so good that i took a leaf out of steve’s book and watched it with students as part of a day i was teaching on theology and film for the oxford centre for youth ministry. it’s the story of a maori tribe who are struggling to carry forward the spiritual tradition of the tribe in the modern world and struggling to find a new leader/chief to lead them. i don’t want to spoil the film for you, but it an incredible film for getting you to think about the similarities and challenges in carrying forward the christian tradition in the (post) modern world and what kind of leadership may be appropriate.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. chris

    We caught Whale Rider last fall in the theatres. Picked it on a whim really. I’m with you. Great film. One aspect I saw in it, with respect to leadership, was the value of listening to the younger generation, especially the “marginalized” female. I hope Keisha Castle-Hughes goes on to make more films.
    (Enjoying your blog. Enjoying the conversation. – Chris Margrave, Gibsonville, NC, USA)

  2. lillylewin

    loved the film too! and plan to use it with students too, just haven’t had the opportunity!
    our diocese has a reciprocal relationship with the maori diocese in new zealand and had a chance to
    host some maori students a couple of summer’s ago! great fun! and great worship around a swimming pool!
    a very inspiring, very empowering movie!
    i like chris’s comment above regarding listening to the younger generation…and you already know
    how i feel about women in leadership! 🙂
    have a great weekend…blessings for a great grace evening…sounds wonderful! lil

  3. Paul

    I’m pleased you liked the movie. I’ve used it alot in a church context…using it again tomorrow…

  4. steve

    Saw it on the plane on the way back from LA on the recommendation of a few friends and the woman sat next to me – what a great film!!! I really really enjoyed it, and can see why you’re using it in that setting…

  5. steve

    hey, glad to know that my teaching style is influencing oxford diocese!

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