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santasghetto pici mentioned santasghetto earlier in the week, (an exhibition in london at the moment). anyway i popped along there with paul in the lunch hour today. it’s provocative stuff and well worth a visit (and it’s free)…

i snapped a few pics – not sure who all the different bits are by but it gives you a flavour. this photoalbum will be one that i add art pics to over time…

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. maggi dawn

    great pics, Jonny, Can we nick them or do they need artist’s and/or photogrpaher’s permissions?

  2. jonny

    there seemed to be no problem in me taking the pics – it’s fine by me for you to use them but it’s not my art as it were….

  3. Mike

    Great shots! I’m starting to envy you being in London – by the sounds of things there’s a free gallery on every street corner!

  4. jonny

    london is brilliant – i love living here. i suspect you get the same thing in a lot of big cities though. there is always stuff on to go and see – though it is amazing how easy it is to take it for granted and not bother… there are disadvantages though – such as it’s expensive to live here in the first place!

  5. Mike

    I was in London 4 or 5 years ago . I think the pound was at about C$ 2.30 or so, and we found the prices were on par. In other words something that cost $10 here was 10 L there. (Sorry – best pound sign I could come up with!)

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