jan/feb events in london

been off away from the blog and internet for a few days (my christmas post was written in advance – a cool feature of typepad). anyway i’m still off work but back blogging…

some events in January?February not to miss:

Meeting Them Where They Are At is a seminar on detached youth work by Nigel Pilmott and Richard Passmore. It’s being held at St John’s church, Richmond (London) which is next to Richmond train and tube station.
It will cost £5.
It’s on 15 January at 7:30pm

Richard Passmore’s book is brilliant. In my view he is the single best trainer on detached youthwork – who has both done it successfully but has translated that doing it into ideas/concepts that others can get hold of and apply in their own contexts. Nigel is also a very creative inspiring person. So make the most of it.

If you want more info e-mail moya

Alan Jamieson, author of Churchless Faith which is a stunning piece of research on why people leave churches (in particular evengelical/pentecostal/charismatic churches) is in london being hosted by emergent uk. he is doing two day seminars in sutton (london) (they are both the same so just sign up for one) on 26 and 27 january from 10am – 4pm. details are at emergent-uk. it costs £10 for the day.

i heard alan at kings college last year and he was excellent – another one not to miss.

Blah.. will be back at CMS with the first one on 24 February early evening – more details later but tom sine will be our guest

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