christmas fun stuff…

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12 days of kitchmas | fancy a snowball fight?

rejesus christmas stuff including a nativity puzzle, karaoke carols and the story of santa/saint nicholas. you can then send any of these as e-cards – cool…

and if you are in london you can visit santasghetto if you are anywhere near london… i haven’t been yet but will try and get down there to tell you more. some of it looks good and some not so good. but the irrepressible banksy is involved and this stencil of christ crucified with shopping bags looks stunning. there’s also a pic on the site of a terrorist wearing a shirt with the slogan born against christians – mmmm?!

belleville rendezvous header
and some fantastic news – my favourite film of the year belleville rendezvous is being shown on tv bbc2 christmas day 7pm – wahoo!!!