our book alternative worship will be out in the usa in february 2004. i have a bunch of questionnaires to fill in for the publisher. one of the questions asks me to list people who i would like them to send a promotional copy of the book to – they need to ‘be influential in its promotion and sale’. i have a list of some people i know stateside. but if you live in the usa and want a copy send me an e-mail (click on the button on the left hand side) with your address (and how you will help the worthy cause of marketing!!!) and i’ll see if i can add you to the list.
hi jonny. I’m writing & presenting the BBCradio4 Epiphany service on January 4th. Probably want to quote your letter to the Guardian on pick’n’mix spirituality – is that OK?
have a good weekend
absolutely fine. hope it goes well…
jonny, i’m using your book in my spring course on spiritual practices and worship, i’ll let you know…