doughnut theology!

at long last someone has written about the doughnut! this has been talked about in alt worship circles for about 3 years now... but simon hall actually goes so far…


missional DNA

darren rowse reports on the emerging church forge intensive here with some interesting comments from alan hirsch: The church in 100AD was approximately 25,000 people in number. The Roman Empire…


postmodern monastries

there is some really interesting thinking going on about monastic communities as a way of being church. i know that simon hall at revive has been thinking about this, st…

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postmodern christianism…

david hopkins shares his frustrations with postmodern christianism hereSpiritual experiences are rooted in a holy fascination. It's become difficult for me to be fascinated by the words, the music, the…


church planting discussion

the first re:source weekend went well. about 35 people gathered from round the country involved in a range of new/missional/fresh/emerging/plant church contexts. good to share stories, reflect on the cultural…


church planting

off this weekend for the first re:source weekend in a year part time course on 'church planting in the emerging culture'. i've been part of the planning group for this…