two fingers

elylabyrinth.jpgelyhassock.jpgyesterday we visited ely cathedral for their morning service. it’s where jen’s parents live. i snapped the labyrinth there in the entrance which is one of the only cathedral ones in england. the design is also straight edged, the closest looking to our design – don’t know if steve used this as an inspiration?….

my son harry was highly amused to find that the hassock/kneeler in front of him had two fingers sticking up at him all the way through the service. no doubt the symbolism meant something different but to him it meant only one thing and he was delighted to find it in church!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jamie

    I love it!

  2. maggi dawn

    that’s excellent! Andy and I went up to Ely when the Labtrinth tour was there, and walked the old and the new one. (I was ordained in Ely Cathedral, so it’s a place of good memories for me!) love the 2 fingers…

  3. Paul

    What a classic

  4. Moya

    the richmond possi love it. ave a good one. 🙂

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