god is an artist

yesterday jen, harry, jon, clare and i went to westonbirt arboretum for the day. the two days before had been pretty grey and it turned out the one after (today) was rain all day, but we struck lucky with the most glorious autumn sunshine. the colours were dazzling in intensity in the light. the photographs give an impression but it feels like little more than that. there’s a slideshow above or in flickr god is an artist

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. eleanorburnejones

    Beautiful, thanks! Thanks for the reminder about the book Exiles as well. It is on my ‘mean to read list’!
    Eleanor TSSF novice

  2. Carole Hawkins

    Heaven in the ordinary, eh? Great photos. I sometimes think that those simple nature walks are when we can feel at our most intimate with God – the veil is well and truly lifted. Thanks for the blessing, Jonny.

  3. Kathryn

    We were going yesterday but the weather defeated us.
    So that makes 16 years we’ll have been living down here and not going to Westonbirt in the autumn. One day…

  4. tim

    great photo’s even greater God.!

  5. Jody

    What awesome photos. I love to be reminded that God is an artist. For so long art has not been welcomed/celebrated in the church and now I’m seeing a surge of creativity from people who MUST use the talent God has given them. I love it.

  6. Jan

    what I needed.

  7. Robb

    Here in Durham the leaves haven’t turned properly yet. I am waiting for a good frost so I can go take some nice autumnal shots.
    Yours are great.

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