installation bargains

if you want a bargain, two kits we (proost) created with group publishing are being discontinued. so they have been reduced from 80 dollars to 16 dollars. now that is a bargain…

they both have a leader’s guide with instructions on how to set up an installation, CD, DVD loop and other bits on CD ROM. come home was originally developed by sanctuary in bath who ran an installation with 4 rooms of a home taking a different theme for each room – creativity, confession, hospitality, and community. you can see some pics over at small fire. and worshipping the creator takes the days of creation setting up an installation on each. this is like the labyrinth in that it is a narrated journey where you listen to the soundtrack on headphones the kit also has a set of posters designed by jon birch – one for each station. pics of when we ran it at grace as out of nothing are here.

you can order the kits form here –

come home

worshipping the creator

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Mike Jones

    Do you know of any good resources for general tips on creating and running installations? Or is that covered in the ones you’ve linked to above?

  2. makeesha

    I didn’t know you collaborated with Group – my hubby works there. Neat kits 🙂

  3. jonny

    i think my best 2 tips would be –
    1. visit a few contemporary art things to get some inspiration
    2. get down the pub/cafe with a few freinds, pick a theme/season/festival/idea and then start dreaming. out of a group of people creative ideas will emerge – just do it!
    and yes we have worked with group for several years – i did a group live tour with pete ward several years back and then we collaborated with them to do the labyrinth/prayerpath. i have several good friends at group.

  4. steve

    Mike, there is a pair of installation artists, peter and joyce majendie, who have filmed a DVD of them doing a workshop on how they create installations. It’s called “inspiration to installation.” It might be useful. give me an email if you want to know more

  5. Mark

    Cheers for the Heads Up Jonny… they are on their way!

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