contaminated grace


grace on saturday lived up to expectations with perhaps the strangest welcome ever. it was on the theme of contamination. when you arrived you were welcomed by people in contamination suits and gas masks asking questions such ‘as have you eaten any shellfish?’ ‘have you got any heavy metal records on you?’ (the shellfish relates to a levitical purity law apparently!)

various ways of exploring purity and contamination unfolded shattering the idea that to be holy is about avoiding certain things or places. jesus’ life is of course a case in point, accused for being a glutton and a drunkard for his regular transgressing of the purity code. it culminated in a curtain being opened in relation to the veil of the temple being torn as jesus became contamination for us…

it reminded me of mike riddell’s wonderful chapter in threshold of the future entitled the sin of holiness, a theme we explored in grace in sept 1998!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Andy in Germany

    What a great idea. Can I use the header picture on my blog? I’d like to show it as an example of how our storytelling team can work in worship…

  2. jonny

    sure – no problem…

  3. SummerAnthony34

    People in all countries take the loans from different banks, because it’s comfortable.

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