a bit late but this looks good tomorrow

licc have a couple of days – tomorrow with andrew smith on cross cultural mission. he is excellent.

and then on 23 june with richard passmore on church on the edge. that will also be excellent. richard is one of the best mission thinkers around youth ministry i know.

details of both are here. follow the links to book [and if like me you have pencilled in world cup dates you'll have time to get back for england vs slovenia!]

[update: having now followed the links to the events page i see tomorrow's is cancelled! maybe see you at richard's?]

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Carlo

    Why does it all happen at the same time?! Tomorrow Jurgen Moltmann, Miroslav Volf and Archbish Rowan are speaking at a conference at St Paul’s Theological Centre on the Holy Spirit in the World today which looked great, whilst at the same time the Bible Society in Swindon have Dallas Willard coming to share thoughts on a rare visit to the UK. The LICC event looks good but I opted for Willard…..

  2. jonny

    ha – that is really weird!! yes i would have loved to have gone to both but sadly life is too busy…

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