fitting in is over rated


i am not sure if i have posted about our new prospectus for pioneer training which is remiss of me. it turns out we were on the same page with our strapline as the film i tonya – make of that what you will! it's pretty contentful but hopefully visually interesting – several of the photos are mine. there have been various arguments along the way of the text not fitting in as a design feature which i have to say i really like. but that aside, the point of the prospectus is so you can have a look at what is on offer at cms for pioneer training. we are now offering a BA, not just a diploma which is good news. and if you have done a diploma anywhere in common awards and want to do level 6 that is focused around pioneering mission you could do that with us. then we still have modules, certificate, diploma, MA, a pathway for ordination (we are focused for pioneers but actually approved to train any ordinands), pathways for youth ministry and children and family ministry. if you are interested in finding out more we have an open day next week on monday may 21 and one in june where you can find out or come and see us some other time. 

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