how many tears?
how much grief?
why do women always seem to be the ones to carry the pain?
this photo is of a station of the cross at oxford jam factory a few years ago. the artist is cara heafey the station is where jesus meets the women of jerusalem.
this was as good an image i could think of on the day when we wake up to a church of england that has said no to women bishops – deeply sad.
From a woman priest, thank you x
I could not agree more – desperately sad.
I think it’s sad that we even ahve to describe priesthood in terms of male or female – Do female doctors have to say, “Hi, I’m a woman doctor”? No, it would be a “yeah, so what?” reactoin from most people. i long for the dayt that that is the reaction we’d have if anyone ever felt the need to describe their vocatoin in terms of the gender.