deep church seminars

a series of deep church seminars is being organised in london by luke bretherton, andrew walker and pete ward…

14th November – Rev Dr Graham Tomlin, St Paul’s Theological Centre (tbc)

27th February – Rev Dr Steven Croft, Fresh Expressions

21st May – Rev Dr Steve Griffiths, Ridley Hall’s Director of Youth Work
Training / Editor of The Journal of Youth and Theology

Time: 11.15-12.30 (bring a sandwich for lunch afterwards!)

Location: Waterloo Bridge Building, King’s College London

if you are wondering what deep church is and how it relates to emerging church or whatever i asked that question and got this reply from luke:

Deep church – I suppose, really just exploring variations on the theme of how can the historical tradition, in its mryiad forms inform/inspire contemporary practice

more from the blurb…

The aim of the seminar is to be a forum, drawing together academics, theological educators (e.g. those involved in ordination training), church leaders, post-graduate theology students, and those involved in fresh expressions in the London/SE area to discuss issues related to being church in an emerging culture.

looks good…

[update: i have edited this post slightly from the original – seems it was being misread as negative which it wasn’t meant to be!]

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. LauraHD

    My question would be – do you have to be a Rev Doc to go?… 😉

  2. nic

    Jonny, you are a very bad man. Cheeky.

  3. jonny

    i’m not meraning to be bad! i think these will be good. it can just get a bit confusing methinks…

  4. nic


  5. Paul

    thanks johnny 🙂

  6. D.G. Hollums

    Any word about if there will be some podcasts recorded, or anyone blogging the event? Thanks!

  7. Luke

    No need to be a rev or a dr. I will try and persuade someone to blog it.
    jonny bad – by no means!
    yours, luke

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