
i sometimes get sent manuscripts for books to comment on or write an endorsement for. on the plane yesterday on the way to croatia (where i am for a few days helping yfc reflect on where they are up to) i read the manuscript for alan jamieson‘s forthcoming book chrysalis. it was an easy book to endorse and here’s what i wrote:

There are many people who come to a stage of Christian faith where what once worked and sustained them has grown dry and lifeless. No amount of trying harder seems to improve things. This can be a confusing lonely experience and resources to help people in that space are hard to find. Chrysalis is a gift to the person in this place offering some signposts or a roadmap and encouragement for the difficult journey. This is a process many travellers have been on before, is normal and leads to transformation into a different kind of experience of faith. It’s a book that many church leaders will find helpful to understand those seemingly restless souls in their communities, and to help imagine Christian communities that can create spaces for people at different stages of life and faith. It is a wonderful book that will help many people on their journey of faith.

so look out for it. it will be a great resource for those who identify in some way with spirited exchanges

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