for several years there was a discussion forum for people involved in alternative worship. it dried up a while back – people moved on… but sue wallace has felt inspired to start a new one that crosses both alt worship and emerging church. as far as i know it is an open invite – i assume sue is the list moderator. if you want to join go to and search for AlternativeEmerging and sign up. to be honest it would be great if you are newish on the scene. alt worship is in danger of being populated by old farts like me! i’m pleased on that note that we have quite a few new groups taking part in greenbelt this year.
the other group that i am part of is a youth multi media forum. i originally joined it as a favour for someone (long story – don’t ask) but there have been some great threads/ideas/new friends via that one (which is run by an australian moderator craig). if you are interested in joining that go to and search for youthmultimedia.
if it’s of interest other discussions i check are the big chill forum, boards, and boards
tomorrow i am heading off to the durham diocesan conference to do some stuff on mission shaped youth ministry, alt worship and lead some late night worship (which hopefully means i can catch the chelsea game before i start!!!). made me smile when i realised that tom wright is the bishop and is teaching on parables. i wonder what he’d make of our lego parable – is suspect he might just plumb the depths a bit more 🙂