greenbelt worship [part 2]

New Forms 1 is a venue dedicated to new forms/alt worship through the weekend. This is the line up:

* Boaz-DAWN-Emergent – a loose knit global community, including leaders from Emergent, Connect Europe, Boaz, Dawn Ministries, Japan Youth Church Network, Tribal Generation Brazil – and more
Freedup: A Global Reflex
Globally, God is freeing up the next generation to be church in a new way, responding with new media. Here, worship leaders from around the world create a special global new media reflex especially for Greenbelt.

* Catholic Mass with CAFOD
Freedom Bound Mass
A creative and inspirational liturgy put together by CAFOD with music and images from around the world. Be prepared to be challenged about what it means to live out kingdom values in today’s world.

* Echo – run godspace, a space for stepping aside, being silent, and listening for those who have wrestled with God, who went out to play and came home dirty and ashamed.
The caged bird sings – a reflective and interactive exploration of the redemptive nature of freedom songs

* Grace – is an alternative worship community in West London combining ancient and freshly created rituals, liturgy, music and visuals to find new connections between our worship and our everyday lives.
Slow – fast is for lent slow is for summer, this is Grace, ‘licensed to chill’

* Holy Joes – is one of the original ‘alternative’ groups, hosting debates and worship at Greenbelt for many years. They meet Tuesdays in Victoria, London.
meta::morphic communion – worship in collaboration with S:Vox themed around moving beyond abuse and the freedom journey

* Ikon – iconic | apocalyptic | heretical | emerging | failing
Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani – a Black Saturday service for those who feel nothingness when others feel nothing at all.
and Heresy – a sacred space of ritual and reflection for those with the unnerving (perhaps liberating) sensation that what we believe is wrong.

* L’Arche – is an international federation of faith communities in which assistants and people with learning disabilities live together as friends and family.
Washing the Feet – a peaceful, participative service for all ages, exploring themes of service, humility and vulnerability.

* Moot – is a nascent alternative worship project based in Westminster, a community seeking to live a life that is honest to God and honest to now.
The Purposeful Journey – rediscovering prophetic imagination, this is an exploration of life as a spiritual journey of discovery and Christian pilgrimage in a contemporary culture where many are tourists. and…
Life beyond achievement – instead of trying to achieve happiness as an act of purposeful fulfilment, this service aims to help us find and sustain spiritual fulfilment through worship in a fluid and uncertain world.

* Sanctuary – are an alt worship group from Bath, and have hosted all-age services (and installations in New Forms 2) at Greenbelt for the last four years.
The parable of sheep and goats – an all-age, participative service

* Sanctus 1 – an emerging Manchester city church engaged in a creative journey into faith, spirituality, culture and friendship. 
The Late, Late Breakfast – breakfast in bed, breakfast on the go, breakfast with Frost …how do you eat yours? Bring a mug. and…
Maker, Breaker, Keeper – a chilled-out, reflective start to the day, exploring the relationships we have with rules, anarchy and freedom.

* Soul Space – is a monthly ambient mass (7pm, first Sunday of the Month) at St Luke’s, Holloway, led by Dave Tomlinson and members of St Luke’s.
spiritmass  – a late night mass exploring the wildness and warmth of  the divine spirit.and… 
lifestations  – a Eucharistic journey to the heart of life.

* Vaux – is a collective of artists and city-lovers who have been exploring urban theology through various media since 1998.
Being/Becoming:Embracing our Finitude – explore how Christ’s ‘complexity’ invests our urban spirituality with an evolutionary spirit that frees us to be ‘human becomings’.

* Visions – is an alternative worship group from York creating services utilising all the senses, homegrown and commercial dance and ambient music, and striking, colourful multimedia environments.
The world’s first ‘scratch’ multimedia worship service – plan, create, run slides, video, music and liturgy to bring an entirely new service to birth and…
Dreams of freedom – a multimedia communion service

* Club @ New Forms  – Spiritual vibes and visuals for dancing ‘til late. 
Friday – transcendence  – uplifting spiritual trance with Paul ‘iKon’ Cooper and Steve the Vicar
Saturday – deliverance  – righteous hip-hop flavas from dj underdown and soul solution
Sunday – redemption – house beats and funky vibes from Aorta Dance and Steve the Vicar

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Alistair Duncan

    This all looks very exciting – is there anyway of finding out what is happening at what time /day before you get on siteto …. i can only be at Greenbelt for two days and my primary interest is th worship stuff. It would be great to be able to know when best to come.

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